Striking a Balance: In-Person vs. Online Communication Training for Veterinary Professionals

Posted by Brett Bingham DVM on Wed, 11/29/2023 - 12:42pm
in-person communication training workshop for veterinarians

In the ever-evolving landscape of professional development, the choice between in-person and online communication training is a decision many veterinary practitioners grapple with. Both formats offer unique advantages, but the question remains: which is more effective for veterinarians and their staff seeking to enhance their communication skills? This blog explores the distinctive benefits of in-person and online training, shedding light on the value each brings to the table.

Bridging the Human Connection Through In-Person Communication Training

I think we can all agree that, over the last few years, it’s become increasingly obvious that ANYTHING in-person usually provides greater value than online. Particularly when it comes to learning something new. Among other things, in-person training (like our workshops) can provide great value because it offers us face-to-face interactions, better team building and networking opportunities, and immediate feedback. Let’s take a closer look at why that is.

Face-to-Face Interaction

In-person workshops foster direct, face-to-face interaction, allowing veterinarians and their staff to pick up on non-verbal cues, body language, and subtle nuances that are often lost in the digital realm. The immediacy of in-person communication creates a dynamic learning environment where participants can engage in real-time discussions, role-play scenarios, and participate in hands-on exercises, deepening their understanding of effective communication techniques.

Team Building and Networking

Beyond the educational content, in-person workshops provide valuable opportunities for team building and networking. The shared experience of attending a workshop together strengthens the bond among veterinary professionals. Networking with peers and industry experts in person can lead to collaborative opportunities, the exchange of best practices, and the establishment of a supportive professional community.

Immediate Feedback

One of the most significant advantages of in-person workshops is the immediate feedback participants receive. Trainers such as myself can observe interactions, provide on-the-spot guidance, and tailor their teaching approach based on the specific needs of the group. This real-time feedback accelerates the learning process, allowing participants to adjust and apply new skills immediately.

Online Communication Training Allows for Flexibility and Accessibility

When it comes to online communication training, you really do have incredible flexibility and accessibility. For example, you can do our veterinary continuing education courses any time and anywhere you want!

Flexibility in Learning

Online training offers flexibility in terms of scheduling and location. Veterinary professionals can access training modules at their convenience, eliminating the need to travel or adhere to a specific timetable. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for busy professionals who may find it challenging to take time away from their practice for in-person events.


Eliminating the need for travel and accommodation expenses, online training is often more cost-effective. This makes high-quality communication training accessible to a broader audience, including veterinary professionals working in smaller practices or remote areas where in-person workshops may be logistically challenging.

Resource Accessibility

Online platforms provide a wealth of resources at participants' fingertips. From recorded lectures to downloadable materials, veterinary professionals can revisit content as needed, reinforcing learning over time. This accessibility ensures that the benefits of the training continue beyond live training.

Finding the Right Balance

While both in-person and online communication training offer distinct advantages, the optimal choice for veterinary professionals may lie in finding a balance between the two. Blended learning approaches, combining in-person sessions for hands-on activities and online modules for flexibility, provide a comprehensive training experience that accommodates various learning styles and preferences.

In conclusion, the value of in-person and online communication workshops for veterinarians and their staff is not mutually exclusive. The decision should be guided by the unique needs and circumstances of the participants. Whether cultivating human connection in a face-to-face setting or embracing the flexibility of online learning, the goal remains the same: to equip veterinary professionals with the communication skills necessary for delivering exceptional care to their patients and building lasting relationships with their clients.

Dr. Brett Bingham, DVM

Dr. Brett Bingham, DVM


In the early years of my veterinary practice, I learned the hard way that unintended bad communication can derail your best intentions. Through trial and error, I developed a communication course for myself and my veterinary team to develop confidence and success in the exam room. You can learn these powerful principles too! When great communication practices are put in place AND practiced regularly, you will see consistent growth, happier clients, and better job satisfaction.

Allow me to teach you the tools I’ve learned so that your practice can grow too.

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